Need a lift?
Transportation help is available for members and spouses both inside and outside the tribe’s five-county service area. Three kinds of service are available:
- Elder and disabled transportation for health, education, work, and social/recreational purposes
- Travel reimbursement for medical, dental, mental health, or addiction treatment services. (You don’t need to be an Elder or have a disability to access this service.)
- Transportation help as part of a Family Support Services case plan
Reasonable modifications are available to avoid discrimination based on a disability. Contact the Mobility Coordinator to request a modification.

Title VI Policy Statement (Civil Rights)
The Tribe’s transportation program is committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI, in all of its programs and activities, and will not permit any discrimination in its public service and accommodations, based on race, color, sex, national origin, or any other protected classification.
Lindsay Ward, Transportation Coordinator
541-888-9494, ext. 2213
800-344-8583, ext. 2213